A new home page!

The home page of ruml.com has been an embarrassment for several years now.  I’ve been working on a new design which is now up in a semi-finished form.  Since it points to this blog, I’ll try to post a bit more regularly.


HILR course given during Fall 2015

Looks like I haven’t posted for a while so this will get us somewhat up-to-date.  My study group course An Intellectual History of Judaism and Christianity was approved for the Fall of 2015 and I very much enjoyed leading it.  The study group members were very well prepared with several fluent in Hebrew which came in handy more than once.  While it took several weeks for us to “gel” as a group, it was a lively time each week thereafter.  Everyone became accustomed to the question “What’s the most fundamental difference between Judaism and Christianity?” but it took longer before the answer (“cosmic monism vs. cosmic dualism”) was  accepted.

I’ve been pondering whether to lead a group addressing Rawl’s A Theory of Justice in the fall of 2016.


HILR course proposal submitted

After a long gestation period, I’ve finally given myself a kick in the pants by submitting a proposal to the HILR curriculum committee to lead my first study group in several years: An Intellectual History of Judaism and Christianity.  The important part is the course catalog description:

The big ideas we inherit from Judaism and Christianity — one God, evil, an afterlife in heaven or hell, the end times, salvation — often get treated as though they were always there, each perhaps paid more attention by some than others.  Not so. These ideas emerged over the course of a millennium as Israel responded to conquest, exile, and reemergence in a Persian and then Greek context. The Israelites started out as polytheists just like everyone else in the neighborhood; once they’d made the transition to monotheism, they had a problem that had no simple solution: given an omnipotent and benevolent God, why do bad things happen to observant Jews?  The answer was a big departure — so much so that the rabbis discarded it when they reinvented Judaism following the destruction of the Temple.  But like many (not most) Jews of that time, Jesus found the revolutionary solution (cosmic dualism) both intellectually and emotionally satisfying.  And as the theological basis of Christianity, cosmic dualism gave us (very late in the game) such central concepts as personified evil (Satan), resurrection and a meaningful afterlife, and original sin with its consequent need for salvation.

This rigorous study group will survey the history of these big ideas and examine why they developed as they did (4 hours a week of preparation). We’ll read and discuss many sources provided on the course website but of course the main texts are the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.  You can get an overview of the chronology by looking at  the Overview and Ideas(Basic) timelines at http://ruml.com/timelines/ (Google Chrome preferred).  More details about the course at http://ruml.com/intellectualhistory/.

The texts for the course are The Jewish Study Bible and, amusingly, The Jewish Annotated New Testament (NRSV), both from Oxford.  That later choice reflects the fact that all other NRSV study bibles have annotations so thoroughly saturated in Christian theology that they positively obscure the original meaning of the authors.  Since they were all Jewish, reading them from that perspective helps.


Well, finally!

It’s been a long time coming, but now you have it!  I hope to put here summaries of the things I’m working on so I won’t forget them but also so that anyone who stops by and is willing can give me useful advice.  As a complement to this blog, I’m also reviving the food blog I did for the HILR Foodies interest group some years ago; it’s at food.ruml.com.